A Lesson About Running

I miss running. I used to do it every day. But this whole full-time job thing has gotten in the way of my ability to get out and GO. A friend of mine told me she has been running lately and it’s helped her mentally and physically. She’s been challenged at work, and in her personal relationship. Disappointments in both places made it hard to get through the day.

As she described her daily runs, she said she would picture “running away” from the relationship gone wrong and the job issues. That visual kept her motivated to keep going and going. Her recent run had her keeping up with her coach, and she felt victorious.

I was proud of my friend. Her renewed focus was motivating her to do great things.

But then I started to wonder about the symbolism of her running away from the problems. Wouldn’t running TO something be more powerful?

I told her to visualize herself running towards an incredible new future. Whatever she wanted that to look like, I said she should put that into her mind’s eye and get  excited about the possibilities. Whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or just a new lease on life, everyone deserves to be appreciated and energized. Why not face something with a renewed clarity rather than turn away in anger and run for the hills?

I’ve seemed to notice in my life that whenever I run from something, it has a way of showing back up in a different costume. 

I think I’ll be making time for a long overdue run tomorrow…

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